Tuesday, October 6, 2009


William H. Calvin's "How the Brain Works" and 'CEREBRAL CODE' are indeed fascinating works and provide a sound basis for further research in this area. To my mind,knowing how human brain works, it is all the more important that we also do thinking on how it should work? That is,design models of optimal( both for efficient viable) brain usage.
I am willing to do my bit but would welcome any one volunteering to help design a Cybernetic model of human mind

Thursday, June 18, 2009


Old saying-two brains are better than one(provoded they think in parallel). So ,hunam organizations are more efficient than an individual. But from learning systems point of view,the latter may not be always in advantage.For example,in the individual all the past experience is stored somewhere or the other in his/her brain and and can be recalled at will within  no time.In contrast,in human organizations organizational experiences are not all documented and in part are with different individuals working with it.If some of them leave,those exepeinces go along with them.Consequently,organizations may not be able to respond to all new situations effectively.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009


We usually think within a Box.With effort learn to think out of the Box. A next logical step would be to think across the Boxes. While one Box refers to on set of assumptions and structural relationships between the elements,and the other Box does so for another set of assumpptions and relationships,by drawing parallel between the two, one may come out with new knowledge about either or both boxes.